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Digital marketing trend in Thailand 2018

Posted on 2018/10/29 14:23

Thais are one of the most online people in the entire world.

And because of this massive growth in the number of online consumers, the digital marketing industry in Thailand is predicted to continue growing and reach close to THB 20 billion by the year 2020.

Mobile will account for 51% of the total revenue in the digital advertising market in Thailand in 2022. And this is not unique in Thailand.

As eMarketer predicts, the entire Southeast Asian region is poised to have an exponential growth in mobile ad spending:

A few years from now, mobile will dominate the digital ad landscape – and we’re not the least bit surprised.

According to a 2018 agency survey by We Are Social, more than 71% access the internet via smartphone. Around 15 million smartphones are sold in the country every year. It’s also predicted that over half the Thai population will own smartphones by 2020.

Add the fact that Hootsuite and We Are Social recently named Thailand as the top country with the most time spent on mobile internet at 4.56 hours.

It beat Brazil at 4.21, Indonesia at 4.17, the Philippines at 4.13, and Nigeria at 4.05 hours.

All these numbers just mean that your business – if not already – should really be optimizing for an amazing, unforgettable mobile experience for your customers.

Now the question just lies on what exactly you should be doing on mobile.

Here’s the answer:

Social media network usage on mobile

It makes a lot of sense to discuss the country’s use of social media networks along with its mobile internet usage because… the fact of the matter is, when Thais use their smartphones, they are most likely checking their social media accounts or watching videos on social media sites.

In fact, in the “Digital 2018 Global Overview”, Thailand was ranked as the 8th country in the entire world with the highest number of mobile active user accounts in the top social media networks.

But here’s the kicker:

Thailand also landed in the top 4 spot for the countries with the most time spent on social media , with Facebook, YouTube, and LINE being the top three social networks.

YouTube, in particular, is a favorite, judging from the 1.7 hours of YouTube watch spent daily in 2016, with 65% of it done on mobile.

Further, Thailand has 49 million Facebook users and 13.6 million Instagram users as Feburary of 2018.


Mobile social media users by the millions. This is exactly why more and more Thai brands are dedicating more resources to mobile social media ad placements and mobile video marketing campaigns.

It’s also interesting to note that although Facebook users in the country are mostly 22-40 years old, “the number of users in their upper 50s is increasing, while Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Line TV will attract more teenagers,” according to Thoth Zocial Co managing director Kla Tangsuwan.


Machine learning. Personalized ad campaigns. Mobile web vs. mobile apps. Digital marketers are seeing the world shift under their feet. With all this growth, all this means that it’ll get increasingly tougher for branded apps to claim a permanent spot on Thai consumers’ phones. That, how to use social media power, it's become top priority for marketers.

Social media marketing is more than creating ads. It’s more about getting your brand out there, genuinely connecting with real people, and humanizing your brand.

It’s about forming relationships because, after all, it’s called social marketing for a reason.

Influencer marketing based on trust

“Influencers” are what I like to think the “modern-day celebrities” – those who take social media by storm with their engaging content, gaining thousands and even millions of followers in the process.

There is an emerging trend of looking for social media influencers in Thailand and asking them to do an unbiased review of products and services in exchange for a favor or fee.

This is basically what influencer marketing is, and it seems to be paying off, considering that this tactic can get you up to 11x the ROI of traditional advertising.

Here are more interesting stats about influencer marketing

Influencer marketing banks on the idea that consumers are getting more skeptic of your ads by the day.

Ninety percent of consumers would rather listen to their peers’ recommendations than a TV ad, but 88% would also trust a stranger’s review.

And in Thailand, 85% have bought a brand that they would not normally consider because they saw relevant information about it at the perfect moment.

See how big this is?

Traditional marketing – whether digital or not – has lost its once-powerful influence on consumers’ buying decisions.

Print ads, TV ads, and even digital ads are now the marketing channels with the least amount of influence. It’s been the trend in digital marketing to develop trust among consumers, but it’s now more crucial than ever. We’re going to see a major growth in these digital marketing methods in Thailand, and it’s best to hop on the bandwagon before the competition does.

Influencer has become a mainstream media and AsiaKOL has been matching cross border marketing for 3 years. AsiaKOL also offers cross border marketing services as well. From Data Analysis to Project Execution, AsiaKOL is your one stop solution.

If you think you need help, whether you’re based in Thailand or overseas, AsiaKOL are confident that we can help take your business to new heights.

If you want to know more about how digital marketing can help your company’s specific needs, get in touch free consultation at There has never been a better time to invest in online marketing, so strike before the rest of the country wakes up!





AsiaKOL亞洲達人通 最專業的跨境網紅行銷,微網紅分潤團隊!