Senior nursing division
Senior nursing division,Delicacy taster,Mom kitchen backup manager,Child care, food and beauty KOL,Have done a number of brand publicity,Have participated in the offline activities and family travels for serval times. |
KOL profile
Location Beijing/Tianjin
Gender Female
Age 28
Occupation Free lance jounalist
Preference style Lifestyle, electrical appliances, beauty, food, health, health, home, car, travel, hotel experience, hot mother, mother and child, marriage and family
Sina weibo Followers 300K
Sina Blog Page view5.92M
Wechat moment Followers 4966
Reference KPI
Cross platform Post an article to all the platform of the KOL and achieve the total amount of page view up to 30K + total comment up to 50.
Wechat Moment Post a moment to the private Wechat account and achieve the like+comment up to 300
Sina Weibo Post a twitter message and achieve total amount of repost+comment+like up to 400