Fashion beauty jounalist,Tens of millions of popular fashion blog
李喵喵_夕雪(Miaomiao Li)
Fashion beauty writer, tens of millions of popular fashion blogger. Good at dress collocation, skin care and makeup, because the blog style is very cheerily, rigorous and objective evaluation angle so that the blog has attacted many readers; cooperation with a number of main fashion magazine media; Youku fashion channel, "I am tudou.com," beauty show guest, has signed contract with TEA APP. |
KOL profile
Location Shanghai
Gender Female
Age 29
Occupation HR
Preference style Western style, fresh Lolita, photography and so on, style variety
Sina weibo Followers 540K
onlylady Blog Page view 21M(Contract cooperation)
Forum Besties/pclady/Ruili
Wechat 4000+friends
Wechat official account
Reference KPI
Cross platform Post an article to all the platform of the KOL and achieve the total amount of page view up to 50K + total comment up to 50.
WeChat Official Account Post an article to the KOL’s WeChat Official Account and achieve the total amount of page view up to 10K.
Wechat Moment Post a moment to the private Wechat account and achieve the like+comment up to 200
Sina Weibo Post a twitter message and achieve total amount of repost+comment+like up to 600
腕間靈感-----MIDO DONNA·鐫刻美好時光
難得終於有閒的週末出去曬曬太陽,順便會會朋友。平日里總是看到小區里的住戶牽著大狗出去,我跟相公說,要不我們遛貓?我們出門習慣帶著相機,原本為了見證與眾不同的遛寵英姿,變成了現在一副懶洋洋的樣子。其實我覺得女人如貓,貓也是細膩如女人,敏感,情緒化,但是溫柔綿軟。在家的日子里總有柔軟熱乎的身子依靠著,就是那麼溫馨的感覺。 因為也不是工作日,穿得就比較自在隨意,市郊的風比較大,穿搭的連衣裙還是針織的,雖然寬松倒也不失曲線感,慵懶而優雅的感覺。灰色與米色的幾何拼接,時尚也不失俏皮。沒有額外的配飾,裸露的雙臂只有一塊美度表點綴。現在戴手錶的人越來越少,能夠留下的是對時間一秒一秒流逝的不捨。 |