AsiaKOL 亞洲達人通

asiakol, AsiaKOL, 亞洲達人通

AsiaKOL亞洲達人通 最專業的跨境網紅行銷,微網紅分潤團隊!

AsiaKOL Event- Put your brand into traveller's shopping list

Posted on 2018/10/15 17:40

Put your brand into traveller’s shopping list when they visit Taiwan.

Korean loves PM0315 milk tea, Japanese Loves the Datong electric rice cooker, Hong Kong people like go to Addiction Aquatic Development, Thailand people prefers branded shoes and Malaysian prefer cosmetic drink.  Why are these products in the shopping list of travellers to Taiwan? Why are these travellers willing to wait in long ques to buy these products? Have you ever wondered why these products are so popular outside Taiwan?

In order to understand these mysterious popularity, I-Buss is organizing the 2017 Asia’s popular Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) on cross border marketing in Taipei on the 24th November. We have invited several influencers from Japan & Malaysia to share their view. Let’s review the highlights of this event


Opening- How can your brand stay locally, and still popular across Asia

Opening by i-Buzz founder Mr. Li Rong Zhang, took an example of an international food event in Taipei by the local government. How did the government decide to choose the most suitable influencer to promote this event internationally?

Do watch the video below for more details


Who has the power  to influence a travelers shopping list?

What!! Are we all being controlled by influencers? Who has the power to influence people on their shopping list? There are certain goods from Japan that are so popular in Taiwan, that even Japanese people are amaze at its popularity. Why is it so?

Today AsiaKOL’s founder Ms. Chen Yu shu shares a story with you!



Teaching how to do influencer marketing in Malaysia

I am honored to invite influencer- Rebecca Saw who is a lifestyle lover in Malaysia to share with you how to use social media to create values as an influencer. Let’s watch Rebecca Saw speech.


In depth understanding of influencer’s economic in Japan

Everyone knows Japan’s entertainment TV shows are very popular. This could be why Youtubers in Japan are also very popular and effective.

Ms. Shen Tian Yi, a manager who works in アライドアーキテクツ株式会社, will share the details on youtuber’s popularity & effectiveness of influencer in Japan.



To summarize, we can see that if the right influencer is used a local brand does not need to spend a lot of money to promote their product overseas.


Source: i-Buzz Research



AsiaKOL亞洲達人通 最專業的跨境網紅行銷,微網紅分潤團隊!